Avery had also begged that Matt and I coach her would-be basketball team; as if either of us knew how to coach 5th and 6th grade girls. After her passing, we knew that nothing would stop us from doing exactly that. We learned a lot – a lot about stuff on the court, but mostly about stuff of the heart. These girls meant the world to us.
I guess that’s just one reason why it was important to us that AVERYday Ministries host a basketball camp this summer for the DCS girls. We just weren’t ready to let them go.
23 girls participated in the week long camp. Amazing!
In addition, we had some incredible assistance. God would have it that former Delavan Christian School Alumni Alana Cesarz – who just happens to be a University of Nevada – Las Vegas Forward – was back home for the summer. She was kind enough to come to the gym to help us out and talk to the girls. Not only was this incredible from a “teaching basketball” perspective, but I’m a huge proponent of “you can never have too many examples of successful women for our young girls.” Alana is an incredible basketball player and an incredible student (she was salutatorian of her graduating high school class), but above all that – and more important than all that – she has a compassionate heart and a love for Jesus Christ that speaks volumes when you’re in her presence. I am so thankful the girls had access such an incredible role model.
Mrs. Arlene Torrenga was also on hand to make a difference in the lives of these young girls. Mrs. Torrenga’s husband had coached basketball at Delavan Christian School for many, many years. In his memory, Mrs. Torrenga chose to help make sure this camp was a success. She knew it was exactly the kind of thing her husband would support and encourage. She personally provided a lunch for every single person who particpated in camp on the last day (complete with popsicles and ice cream sandwiches)!
I’d say the basketball camp was a success and we look forward to working with the Delavan Christian School to provide more opportunities like this in the future.